Term Conditions Page

Terms of offers,  prices are can changed at any time and without notice. We are liable for errors in photography or typography. The warranty from the original manufacturer is included with retail products. "Time Square" does not provide any sales counsel or technical support. Every image on our website has been  sourced from the websites of the Mother Company. The color, size, and texture of the products may vary from the images displayed on the website. It's possible that your order was cancelled without telling you.
After placing the order we will hand over the product to courier service. Inside Dhaka, you will get the product within 72hours. Outside Dhaka it may takes 2-5days depends on courier service ability. Please allow us time and keep patience. Although "Time Square" does not guarantee the same day-shipping.
Time Square is a retailer only.
Time Square sold renowned Brands products but they are not manufactured any thing.